
RSS/NERC Receives Energy Globe Award 2020 for Solar Project

The National Energy Research Centre of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS) has won the “Energy Globe Award”, the Global Sustainability Award, for the “Solar Water Pumping in the Jordan Valley and Highlands” project.

The project included replacing inefficient, traditional irrigation pumps based on electricity and diesel with solar photovoltaic pumps, as 214 water pumps were operated in the Jordan Valley and the Southern Jordan Valley and 106 pumps in the highlands (Azraq, Mafraq and Madaba).

The project also assessed and examined the needs and challenges facing the ecosystem in the aforementioned areas, with all its components such as population, agricultural or industrial activities, the impact of climate change, energy and water management and their availability, thus including all environmental elements (water, energy and food security) to find a comprehensive integrated solution.

The Energy Globe Award is the World’s Most Prestigious Award for Sustainability. The objective of the Energy Globe Award is to present successful sustainable projects to a global audience and to demonstrate that for many environmental problems feasible solutions already exist. About 800 Projects and initiatives are submitted from over 180 countries to compete each year in the awards.

The Energy Globe Award recognises outstanding projects that conserve and protect natural resources, employing renewable energy.


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