Bio Energy Projects

Demonstration of Solar Heated Biogas Digester in Poultry Farm 2015-2016

Location: Irbid, Jordan

Donor: Global Environmental Facility – Small Grants Programme

The aim of the project was to develop a sustainable system to treat the animal manure that is produced in poultry farms, also thermal energy to cover the energy needs of the farms, additionally a sterile fertilizer for agricultural purposes. The system uses three technologies as a hybrid system; solar thermal energy and anaerobic digestion to treat the poultry manure.  

The project succeeds in converting the manure in the farm for sterile fertilizer; also generate hot water from solar heater and biogas to cover the energy needs of the farm. On the other hand, the project contributes in reducing the harmful effect of the untreated poultry manure inside the farms, and protecting the surrounding environment by converting the manure to renewable energy and fertilizer.

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