Key People

Eng. Sawsan Bawaresh

Eng. Sawsan Bawaresh is the Manager of Energy Efficiency & Solar Thermal Energy Division at the Royal Scientific Society/ National Energy Research Centre. She graduated from Princess Sumaya University as an electronics engineer and graduated from University of Jordan with a master’s degree in public administration.

 Eng. Sawsan has been working in the field of energy management for 14 years in which she participated in conducting several energy audit studies in commercial and industrial sectors and participated in energy assessments at municipality level through Energy-Water-Food Nexus regional project.  She contributed to Standards and Labelling capacity development Program in Jordan for eco design and energy labeling.

She has been also responsible as a project manager for several energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at the national and regional levels. She has trained engineers in different sectors in energy field topics and has been trained as an ISO500001-energy management system trainer by ISO.

She has established the first accredited lab in Jordan for testing energy label of lamps. She has experience in quality systems such as ISO9001 and ISO17025. She is an advocate of gender equity and clean environment.

She managed projects to support Syrian refugees through schools heating programs by utilizing Energy Efficiency and Renewable energy technologies that resulted in providing suitable classroom environment and adequate education. She is currently managing a project consortium of three partners targeting women and youth in the Jordan Valley to become entrepreneurs in the clean technology sector. This project includes capacity building, awareness campaigns with key environment messages, market linkages, access to finance, community engagement and an e-commerce platform to facilitate the linkages between the private sector and entrepreneurs.

 She holds the following certificates: Certified energy manager (CEM)- AEE, Certified Energy Efficiency professional- TUV, Certified carbon and GHG reduction manager (CRM) –AEE, Certified, Lighting Energy Efficiency Professional-CLEP, Certified associate value specialist -Save International.

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