SEACAP 4 SDG Final Event in Alexandria, Egypt
4 September, 2023

The SEACAP 4 SDG partners, in collaboration with Egyptian municipalities, institutional entities and selected local experts, hosted the Final event and Capitalization Conference on Wednesday September 6th (10:00 am – 03:30 pm, local time) at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, in Alexandria, Egypt.
The SEACAP 4 SDG project, funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med Programme, aims to find innovative solutions and tools to reduce energy consumption in public buildings through cost-effective approaches to energy refurbishment, integrating Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans and Innovative Support Mechanisms for Cities.
During the day, an overview on the European Union intervention on cooperation projects on environment, climate change and energy was presented from different institutions representatives. The SEACAP 4 SDG project partners’ highlighted the project results and presented to the audience the implemented support mechanism for the pilot case municipalities.
The gathering provided an opportunity to discuss about new models of sustainable energy development actions to implement within the Mediterranean territories during the round table “Towards green and sustainable Egyptian cities”.
The event was open to decision-makers, local government officials, and local, regional, and national energy agencies, as well as professionals.
More Information about SEACAP 4 SDG Project